The Monsters & Maniacs Card Game

Deck Pic-Small.png
Deck 1 Splay-Small.png
Environment Cards-Small.png
Evil Ash Card-Small.png
Plus Point Cards-Small.png
Vortex Card (2)-Small.png
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Deck 1 Splay-Small.png
Environment Cards-Small.png
Evil Ash Card-Small.png
Plus Point Cards-Small.png
Vortex Card (2)-Small.png
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The Monsters & Maniacs Card Game

from $40.00

If you love horror movies, adore the characters in those movies - and you love playing card games that are easy to learn and fun to play over and over, then this game is the one you've been waiting for.

Right now there are 3 different decks to choose from, each one having 80 different characters and special cards.  They are strong, durable, linen cards with U/V coating so they won't fade or absorb dirt at all.

Deck 1:  80 characters, a lot of horror movie classics in there.
Deck 2:  80 more characters and the Vortex Environment Card
     that switches all attributes up for one round of play.
Deck 3:  80 more characters and Plus Point Cards
     that boost the score of the character used in the current round.

For all rules you can click the rules cards here or click the link to "Monsters & Maniacs" on the site and read "Game Information".

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There are 3 different ways to play Monsters & Maniacs, with more characters and special cards to come!
The games are (from left to right) War, Three Down and Team War.
All can be played right out of the gate with any deck!